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Titlesort ascending Authors Year of Publication Publisher Place of Publication Type of Publication
Traditionalism in the Works of Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas Baum, D.L. 1970 U of North Carolina P Chapel Hill Book
Tradición y originalidad en el Sermón estoico de censura moral Rey, A. 1987 Journal Article
Tradición y originalidad de un romance de Quevedo: 'El cabildo de los gatos.' Acereda, A. Journal Article
Tradición e ingenio en las letrillas, las jácaras y los bayles de Quevedo Alonso Veloso, M.J. 2005 U de Vigo Vigo Book
Towards the Penitencial Verse of Quevedo's Heráclito Cristiano. Olivares, J. 1992 Journal Article
Towards a Chronology of Quevedo's Poetry Moore, R. 1977 York Press Fredericton Book
Toward a Social History of the Love Sonnet: the Case of Quevedo's Sonnet 331. Zahareas, A.N.; McCallum, T.R. 1978 Journal Article
Toward a Social History of the Love Sonnet: The Case of Quevedo's Sonnet 331 McCallum, T.; Zahareas, A.N. 1978 Journal Article
Toward a Definition of the Picaresque: A Study of the Evolution of the Genre Together with a Critical and Annotated Bibliography of La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes, Vida de Guzmán de Alfarache, and Vida del Buscón Ricapito, J.V. 1960 U of California, Los Angeles Thesis
Toward a Definition of the Picaresque Guillén, C. 1971 UP Princeton Book Chapter
Toward a Colonial Subtext of Sin in Quevedo's Poetry. Ruiz, E.G. 2012 Journal Article
Torres Villarroel, Quevedo y el Bosco Sebold, R.P. 1960 Journal Article
Torres Villarroel's self-portrait: the mask behind the mask Ettinghausen, H. 1978 Journal Article
Torres Villarroel y las vanidades del mundo Sebold, R.P. 1957 Journal Article
Torre de Juan Abad, lugar de Quevedo Pozuelo Yvancos, J.M. 2009 Journal Article
Tomé de Burguillos, un "discipulo inesperado" de Quevedo Gargano, A. 2011 Journal Article
Todo un Quevedo en un soneto Montesinos, J.A. 1979 Playor Madrid Book Chapter
Tintes carnavalescos en Las zahurdas de Plutón, de Quevedo Macías de Yoon, C. 2009 Miscellaneous
Tigres de la India, tigres de las Indias, alfombras y colgaduras de la China (Darío, Borges, Quevedo) Hernández, M. 2000 Journal Article
Tiempo, muerte y Dios en la poesía de Quevedo Sánchez Pinillos, H. 1996 Columbia U Thesis
Three Spanish Translations of Epictetus Castanien, D.G. 1964 Journal Article
Three Manuscripts of Quevedo's 'Manzanares, manzanares': Unpublished Ajuda Codex 51-VI-2; Evora Codex CXIV/1-3; and Ajuda Codex 52-IX-27 Lytle, E.P. 1983 Journal Article
Three Expressions of Cuckoldry in Quevedo Bershas, H.N. 1960 Journal Article
Three examples of Petrarchism in Quevedo's Heráclito cristiano Walters, D.G. 1981 Journal Article
Thought and Feeling in Three Golden-Age Sonnets Terry, A. 1982 Journal Article
