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Title Authors Year of Publicationsort descending Publisher Place of Publication Type of Publication
El complejo de Quevedo Gil Montero, J. 1967 Journal Article
Dos Sueños de Quevedo y un prólogo Lida, R. 1967 Instituto Español de la Universidad Nijmegen, Holland Book Chapter
Literature and the Delinquent: The Picaresque Novel in Spain and Europe, 1599-1753 Parker, A.A. 1967 UP Edinburgh Book
"Défense et Illustration du Sens Littéral." Presidential Address to the Modern Humanities Research Association, Cambridge. Bataillon, M. 1967 Miscellaneous
Quevedo e il simbolo alchimistico: Tre studi Martinengo, A. 1967 Liviana Padua Book
La mitologia classica come repertorio stilistico dei concettisti ispanoamericani Martinengo, A. 1967 Milan Journal Article
En torno a la poesía de Quevedo Crosby, J.O. 1967 Castalia Madrid Book
Hero y Leandro en la literatura española Moya del Baño, F. 1967 Universidad Murcia Book
The Conventional Golden Age pícaro and Quevedo's Criminal pícaro Bagby, A.I.J. 1967 Journal Article
Nueva poesía: Conceptismo, culteranismo en la crítica española Collard, A. 1967 Castalia Madrid Book
The Picaresque Novel Miller, S. 1967 Case Western Reserve UP Cleveland Book
Quevedo's Wortkunst Horst, K.A. 1967 Colonia-Berlín Journal Article
Quevedo: notas para su semblanza Ayala, F. 1967 Journal Article
Hacia una semblanza de Quevedo Ayala, F. 1967 Newspaper Article
El tema del río: variaciones sobre un tema de Quevedo Ibérico Rodríguez, M. 1967 Lima Journal Article
The Lamp and the Clock: Quevedo's Reaction to a Commonplace Price, R.M. 1967 Journal Article
The Shifting World and the Discerning Eye: Techniques of Representation in Quevedo's Sueños and Gracian's Criticón Pring-Mill, R. 1967 Klincksieck Paris Book Chapter
La muerte en la poesía de Quevedo Roig del Campo, J.A. 1967 Comillas Journal Article
Una metáfora en tres tiempos Salinas, P. 1967 Aguilar Madrid Book Chapter
The Narrative Art of Quevedo in El Buscón Sieber, H. 1967 Duke U Thesis
Some Techniques of Representation in the Sueños and the Criticón Pring-Mill, R. 1968 Journal Article
Poesía original. Quevedo, F. de 1968 Planeta Barcelona Book
Struttura e stile nei Sueños di Quevedo Rovatti, M.L. 1968 Journal Article
La poesía de Quevedo Sabor de Cortázar, C. 1968 Centro Editor de América Latina Buenos Aires Book
Apostrophes in the Buscón: An Approach to Quevedo's Narrative Technique Sieber, H. 1968 Journal Article
